Dear Katarina,
Why so patronizing?
Our code example for comparison:
I prefer the first and you prefer the latter. Why is that so provoking to you? It's about getting used to syntax.
I don't dislike optional chaining and nullish coalescing, I just find them more cluttering and less declarative, in 99% of cases. If one remove `null` from ones use, they're not essential at all, but good to have in rare cases.
There are many "bad" or problematic syntax in JavaScript. `null` is one, `this` is another. `function` can be added also because arrow functions have lexical binding and you can use them instead of `function`. I could go on with things I avoid in JS, with the help of ESLint. I have my style of coding, that is a synergetic system of preferred syntax. You probably have found your style of coding, and good for you! Really.
I actually see that you and I are pretty alike perhaps. We can both be dogmatic when we are passionate about something and we really want to make something clear to others.
Thanks for your appology.
I have made some changes to the article along with all the feedback I have received. Feel free to read it again and see what you think.